Week 1-3 Reflections

Web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0 and
E-Portfolios (Week 3)

Web tools such as: web 1.0, web 2.0, web 3.0 and even web 4.0 have become the most used tools in virtual education. They have differents functions which are to  provide information to the user, to promote the user interaction which involves collaborative work, joint publications, exchange, socialization and all this can be done through a number of web applications that allow it - blogs, wikipedia, youtube, slideshare, my space, among others- and also recreate the world in which we exist. Moreover, E-portfolios have been used as a cover letter to many professionals because among other things they can maintain a dynamic resume of experiences in life, store examples of achievements create media rich guest views to share with family, friends, employers, faculty, and others, and showcase accomplishments. If we as teachers get updated with how can we apply these tools in our classes, we also have the commitment of teaching our students how to use these tools in order to give them the opportunity to succeed in their learning process.

My E-portfolio:

Interesting link related to Education and learning through web tools:

Basic concepts of ICT used in Education. Current situation of ICT in TEFL (Week 2)

Connectivism a new learning theory for the digital age has been spread in recent years. Concepts such as: E-Learning, Blended Learning, Social Networking, Mobile learning, Online learning has become popular among  many teachers and students. Many people around the world enjoy teaching and learning English through education fully virtualized based on internet, applications, web pages, discussions forums, instant messaging learning, or any electronical device which does not precise the internet connection. The ICT in TEFL in our country is still under development. Many factors have influenced its progress through the years. The government's policies have promoted the use of ICT in Education, but there is a need in improving the way these policies are applied.  

Intersting links related to ICT: 

Digital Literacy (Week 1)

Nowadays, the development of information in society is based on Communication and Information Technologies. (Pérez, 2004). As a result, many people are getting involved with the use of technology to share interests among a virtual community. For example, many language teachers are taking advantage of ICT as an innovative way to teach and motivate students to learn any language. In my case, I have emphazised the importance of using ICT not only in my classes but also in promoting out-of-class activities which will encourage our students to become autonomous learners. Of course, it's very challenging to implement ICT in an institution where it has been hardly ever included in the course programs, syllabus and class activities. In addition, training on this matter is fundamental to suceed in this new trend in EFL field.   In order to bring about this implementation, certain requirements must be met,such as public investment, the setting up of infrastructures, technological advances, etc. Although the school where I work has a computer lab, it is not available for English classes. However, I tried to motivate my students to get familiar with ICT and it has worked a lot. They have improved their language skills and many of them have realized that English learning is not only possible through compositions, essays and written exercises as we will see in the following video.

A related video to Digital Literacy and its importance in English studies

1 comentario:

Lisbeth Belisario dijo...

turallshHello Maurely. As you requested I'm trying to write a comment, I haven't read your posts.